Telescopic crawler crane

The crane can also realize the function of counterweight and arm self disassembly by using the crane's own lifting system, so that the whole machine can be disassembled completely, which is convenient for transportation, cost saving and shortening the installation time; The setting of the rear cable tension device improves the working reliability of the invention.


Truck crane
Hydraulic crawler crane
Chain grooving machine
Rotary drilling rig
Excavating machinery
Excavating machinery

[ News ]

Yang Wei: take the initiative, serve sincerely, and promote the development and growth of equipment manufacturing industry

On August 14, Yang Wei, deputy secretary of Fushun Municipal Party committee and mayor of Fushun City, led the responsible comrades of relevant urban areas and departments to work at the site of Fuwa Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Fuwa heavy industry"), listened to the person in charge of the enterprise report the production and operation status of the enterprise face to face, and deeply understood and coordinated to solve the difficult problems in the operation of the enterprise, We will jointly study the specific measures for the development and growth of enterprises. Vice Mayor Zang Hong attended the on-site office. The responsible comrades of the participating departments put forward solutions and suggestions for the problems fed back by the enterprises.

Yang Wei pointed out that as a leading enterprise in Fushun's equipment manufacturing industry, Fuwa heavy industry has a glorious history and good development prospects. No matter in the period of planned economy or in the new era of revitalization and development, no matter before or after the system transformation, the enterprise has always taken the development of local economy as its own responsibility, fulfilled its mission and forged ahead, It has made an important contribution to Fushun's equipment manufacturing industry and even the city's economic development. Especially under the severe situation of increasing downward pressure of macro-economy, as the leading backbone enterprises, they must further strengthen their mission, seize the strategic opportunity of "building the city by industry, strengthening the city by industry, and prospering the city by industry", closely follow the "5 + 3" development plan of key industries, firm their confidence in development, and set up the ambition of doing big business and seeking big development, We should make continuous efforts in improving independent R & D capability, vigorously developing new products, introducing strategic partners, and expanding scale industrial benefits, so as to get out of the predicament as soon as possible, make steady progress, and achieve a leap forward, so as to play the leading role of leading enterprises for the development and expansion of Fushun equipment manufacturing industry, and further develop the style of "time honored brand" enterprises.

Wei stressed that Fushun will be better if the enterprise develops well. Departments and units should thoroughly implement the spirit of the important speech of general secretary Xi Jinping's visit and investigation in the Northeast China revitalization forum. He always optimizes the business environment and serves the enterprises as the priority among priorities. He really takes responsibility to go deep into the enterprises and voluntarily solves problems for the enterprises, and really wants to think about the business and worry about the enterprises. To solve the problems with empathy, to do practical things, to overcome the difficulties with enterprises, and to go hand in hand. Yang Wei demanded that the local Party committee and government should form a special team to provide regular door-to-door service and make every effort to coordinate and solve the problems related to the enterprise in view of the difficulties faced by the development of the enterprise. Relevant departments directly under the municipal government should move forward and focus downward, actively meet the needs of enterprises, make practical moves and see actual results in helping enterprises develop markets, win policy support and resolve contradictions, promote enterprises to develop freely and pursue higher goals, and make new contributions to the steady growth of Fushun City.

The person in charge of Fuwa heavy industry sincerely thanks the municipal Party committee and the municipal government for their support and help over the years, and said that the enterprise will never forget to shoulder its responsibilities, always firm its confidence in development, actively overcome the immediate difficulties, go all out to become bigger and stronger, and hand over a satisfactory answer to the municipal Party committee and the municipal government with its actual performance.

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